Researcher, technologist, curator, and speaker specializing in emerging technologies’ impact on artistic practices.
Currently, I I lead AI research @ Adobe and examine AI’s impact on creativity @ Oxford University.
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JUNE 2024
Our article about Content Authenticity Initiative research, "Unmasking AI: Informing Authenticity Decisions by Labeling AI-Generated Content," has been published in ACM Interactions.
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MAY 2024
My work with Payal was featured in Suhair Khan's "Decolonising Design, Decolonising Technology, Decolonising AI" article.
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MAY 2024
Spoke on a panel for "AD Talks: Why generative AI needs design leadership" in San Francisco, which is out as a Design Better podcast episode.
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MAY 2024
Thrilled that the BRAID UK team has selected our project, "CREA-TEC: Cultivating Responsible Engagement with AI Technology to Empower Creatives," for one of their 2024 fellowships.
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MAY 2024
Gave a keynote talk & fireside chat at Nordic Media Days in Bergen, Norway.
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